The Menagerie

Bobbysocks (1997 – 2015)
The first of our pussycats and the most tender-hearted. Rescued with his sister from attempted drowning as a kitten.
Priscilla (1997 – 2013)
The shyest one. Frightened at the least little thing. Looks just like the kitten on the side of the Felix cans. Found abandoned on the side of a motorway.
Mr Pumpkin (2003 – 2014)
A beautiful, fluffy, cuddly cat. Found abandoned with his mother and brother in a garden shed at Wormwood Scrubs. Fought so bravely with diabetes and heart issues.
These three pussycats had been rescued by the Hounslow Animal Welfare Society when they were kittens. We are now on our “second generation” of cats: Mr Tadwick (a black and white Tuxedo cat), Mr Peppercoon (a brown tabby Maine Coon) and Mr Humbug (a silver and white Maine Coon). Photos to follow.