Marketing, entrepreneurial & other papers
The development and description of the marketing and sales standards – presentation at launch by the Marketing and Sales Standards Setting Body (MSSSB) of the new world class standards of best practice for Marketing and Sales at IBM Edinburgh, Scotland on 19 February 2007
Marketing Malta – the Opportunities and Challenges Ahead – talk on marketing enterprise at seminar organised by Malta Institute of Management and Worshipful Company of Marketors, 12 September 2005, Malta
There’s a new kid in town – speech at CSSA IT Marketing Conference, 15 February 2001, London
Information is power – Professional Marketing, Summer 1997
Are you being served? – The relationship between an entrepreneur and his accountant – Initiative Issue 2, 1989 (with Rodger Hughes)
Let the Buyer Beware – a resume to the perils of buying a business – Small Business Digest, National Westminster Bank, April 1989
An investigation into the variation of human contrast sensitivity with age and ocular pathology – British Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol 62. No.4 April 1978
The Elidice: New Instrument for Visual Activity Self Screening – British Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol 61, No.7 July 1977